Inventory Optimization

  • System Parameter Set Up
  • Inventory Policies
  • Inventory Lifecycle Management
  • Packaging Optimization
  • Inventory Budgets & Targets

Helping You Reduce Inventory

Many companies use ‘rule of thumb’ techniques for inventory management that do not stand up to scrutiny.

Segmatics uses a mathematical approach based on Demand Segmentation to define strategies and processes to optimize inventory in your stores, distribution centres and manufacturing plants.

We Answer

Within Your Current OMS Capabilities

  • How to reduce inventory and increase cash flow without impacting service
  • How many days of supply should be held on each of your items
  • What inventory levels are required to accommodate for an item's seasonality, promotions and end of life

In Your Long Term Inventory Goals

  • How to set achievable inventory targets and budgets, and measure their execution
  • How to align teams with fact based solutions to reduce inventory

Luis Lucca
Canada Office: +1 (905) 510-5356
[email protected]

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